Welcome to Franklin Highfield Records

Seattle #1 Hip Hop Label

Discover the best in vinyl records, CDs, merchandise, and digital downloads.

Wide Range of Music

Explore our collection of hip hop music from Seattle artists to emerging talents. We have the latest releases, timeless classics, and everything in between.

Superior Sound Quality

Experience the full richness of Seattle hip hop music.

Unique Merchandise

Show off your love for hip hop with our exclusive merchandise collection. From apparel to accessories, we have the perfect items to complement your style.

About Us

Seattle's Premier Hip Hop Label

Franklin Highfield Records is a record label specializing in hip hop music. We offer a diverse range of music to satisfy every hip hop enthusiast's taste. Our merchandise selection allows fans to showcase their love for their favorite artists. Join us in celebrating the vibrant hip hop culture and explore the world of Franklin Highfield Records.

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